SOLE Fellows

Fellows of the Society of Labor Economists

By the honorary title of Fellow, the Society recognizes labor economists who have made contributions of unusual distinction to the field.  Learn more about how Fellows are selected in the Fellows Policies and Procedures document.

Date Elected is in parentheses. Fellows with no date are Initial Fellows.

Abowd, John (2007)
Abraham, Katharine (2007)
Acemoglu, Daron (2007)
Akerlof, George (2007)
Altonji, Joseph (2006)
Angrist, Joshua (2006)
Ashenfelter, Orley
Autor, David (2009)
Bailey, Martha (2023)
Bartel, Ann (2019)
Becker, Gary*                    
Bertrand, Marianne (2012)
Black, Dan (2019)
Black, Sandra (2016)
Blank, Rebecca  (2006)*
Blau, Francine
Bloom, Nick (2022)                   

Blundell, Richard (2006)
Borjas, George  (2004)
Bound, John (2007)
Brown, Charles (2006)
Burdett, Kenneth (2008)
Cain, Glen  (2005)*
Card, David (2005)
Charles, Kerwin Kofi (2017)
Chiappori, Pierre-Andre  (2009)
Currie, Janet  (2006)
Davis, Steven J. (2015)
DiNardo, John  (2013)*
Dustmann, Christian (2017)
Ehrenberg, Ron
Farber, Henry (2004)
Fortin, Nicole (2020)
Freeman, Richard
Fryer, Roland G., Jr. (2015)
Fuchs, Victor (2005)

Gibbons, Robert (2008)
Goldin, Claudia (2005)
Gronau, Reuben (2004)
Hall, Robert (2006)
Haltiwanger, John (2013)
Hamermesh, Dan
Hanushek, Eric (2006)
Heckman, James (2004)
Hotz, V. Joseph (2018)
Hoxby, Caroline (2015)
Hoynes, Hilary (2018)
Hunt, Jenny (2022)
Imbens, Guido (2023)
Johnson, George (2007)*
Juhn, Chinhui (2019)
Kahn, Lawrence (2008)

Katz, Lawrence (2005)
Keane, Michael P. (2021)
Kennan, John (2008)
Kline, Pat (2022)
Kramarz, Francis (2019)
Krueger, Alan (2006)*
LaLonde, Robert (2017)*
Lang, Kevin (2010)
Layard, Richard (2008)
Lazear, Edward*
Lee, David (2023)
Lemieux, Thomas (2009)
Lochner, Lance (2022)
Lundberg, Shelly (2008)
Machin, Stephen (2011)
MacLeod, W. Bentley (2012)
MaCurdy, Thomas (2006)
Manning, Alan (2014)
Mas, Alexandre (2019)
McElroy, Marjorie (2008)
Meghir, Costas (2011)

Michael, Robert (2010)
Mincer, Jacob (2004)*
Mogstad, Magne (2021)
Moffitt, Robert (2006)
Moretti, Enrico (2014)
Mortensen,  Dale (2005)*
Murnane, Richard (2013)
Murphy, Kevin (2005)
Neal, Derek (2008)
Nickell, Steve (2007)
Oi, Walter (2004)*
Oreopoulos, Phil (2023)
Oyer, Paul (2021)
Pencavel, John 
Pissarides, Christopher (2008)
Pollak, Robert (2005)
Prendergast, Canice (2013)
Reder, Melvin (2004)*
Rosenzweig, Mark (2007)
Rothstein, Jesse (2022)
Rouse, Cecila (2021)
Salvanes, Kjell (2021)
Schoenberg, Uta (2023)
Shaw, Kathryn (2008)
Shimer, Rob (2012)
Smith, James (2005)*
Smith, Jeffrey (2016)
Solon, Gary (2008)
Stafford, Frank (2007)
Taber, Chris  (2010
Todd, Petra (2011)
Topel, Robert (2004)
Van Reenen, John (2013)
Weiss, Yoram (2005)
Welch, Finis*
Willis, Robert (2004)

